Prescott College Courses
Prescott College Courses
Experiential and field-based education alongside researchers and communities
A Dynamic and Diverse Living-Learning Community
The first Prescott College classes arrived in the Eastern Midriff Island Region of the Gulf of California in 1969, bringing with them a commitment to experiential education, environmental sustainability and social justice. Today, the Kino Bay Center is a residential field station supporting approximately 80 Prescott College students in a variety of classes, independent studies, senior projects and graduate studies each year. Students participate in a dynamic and diverse living-learning community with opportunities to learn alongside local and indigenous partners, as well as the Center’s staff. The interdisciplinary array of topics taught at the Center includes marine studies, social justice and human rights, conservation biology, natural history, ecology, Spanish, art, outdoor leadership and cultural studies.

The Marine Studies curriculum at Prescott College exists as an emphasis area within the Environmental Studies Program. Students may focus their competence (major) on Marine Studies or take courses to contribute to their breadth (minor) area or liberal arts education.

Classes in the fall semester focus on interdisciplinary themes of social justice, community organizing and marine conservation. Spring semester classes focus science oriented and block classes specialize in adventure education, arts, culture, language or special topics.